Regular meetings of the Richmond Pond Association have usually (but not always) been on the 4th Tuesday of the month, usually at Richmond Town Hall. Meetings are usually scheduled April through October, and additionally only as needed. Special Note - Because of measures implemented to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, RPA meetings for the 2020, 2021 & 2022 seasons were held by Zoom; meetings will continue this way for the foreseeable future. Links to the next RPA Zoom meeting are posted below and will be communicated to RPA website subscribers by email as related plans are solidified.
Meeting dates for 2024 will be Tuesdays as follows: 4/30, 5/28, 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 9/24 and 10/22. All except the annual meeting/picnic in July or August will be held at 7:00 pm by Zoom.
4/1 Target date to complete pond's refill to normal level, after winter draw-down
4/30 RPA Meeting (7:00 pm) - by Zoom.
5/28 RPA Meeting (7:00 pm) - by Zoom
6/25 RPA Meeting (7:00 pm) - by Zoom
7/23 RPA Annual Meeting - in person at Camp Russell
8/27 RPA Meeting (7:00 pm) - by Zoom
9/24 RPA Meeting (7:00 pm) by Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 813 2687 5794
Passcode: 174799
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9/24/24 RPA Meeting Agenda
Richmond Pond Association
RPA Elections-related Bylaws Excerpts
2.02 Number, Qualifications and Term of Office
2.02.01 The board of directors shall consist of 7 directors or such other number as the directors may determine from time to time. A majority of directors then in office shall elect the board of directors at the annual meeting of the directors or at a special meeting in lieu of an annual meeting. One director shall be nominated by each of the following organizations to represent such organization, or such successor organization or other organization as the directors may determine from time to time:
(a) The Boys & Girls Club of the Berkshires (Camp Russell);
(b) Mill Town Capital (Camp Arrow Wood);
(c) Richmond Shores Civic Association;
(d) Branch Farm Association;
(e) Whitewood Association (Whitewood Cottages); and
(f) South Pond Farm Association.
The seventh director shall not be affiliated with the six organizations listed above and shall represent independent residential property owners with private access to Richmond Pond and members of the general public who are not affiliated with any of the above organizations.
There may be one or two additional "at-large" directors, who may come from any of the 7 constituencies mentioned above. They would be appointed, following written application, by majority vote of the directors then in office.
Alternate directors may also be nominated by an organization, and voted in by the directors, but an alternate director may not vote, except in the absence of the director from their organization.
2.04 Resignation
Any director may resign at any time upon written notice to the remaining directors, the president, treasurer or secretary. The resignation of any director shall take effect upon receipt of notice thereof or at such later time as shall be specified in such notice, and unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
2.06 Vacancies on the Board of Directors
Continuing directors may act despite a vacancy in the board and shall for this purpose be deemed to constitute the full board. Any vacancy in the board of directors may be filled by majority vote of the directors then in office. Each director chosen to fill a vacancy on the board of directors shall hold office until the next annual election of the board of directors and until his successor shall be elected and qualify.
4.01 Election
At its first meeting following the annual meeting of directors, the board of directors shall elect, from among the directors, a president, vice president, treasurer and clerk and such other officers as the board of directors shall determine. The term of office for those so elected shall be one year and until their respective successors are elected and qualified.
4.02 Qualifications
Two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. The secretary shall be a resident of Massachusetts unless a resident agent shall have been appointed pursuant to Massachusetts law.
4.03 Vacancies
Any vacancy occurring among the officers, however caused, may be filled by the board of directors, for the unexpired portion of the term.
4.05 Resignation
Any officer may resign at any time by giving his or her resignation in writing to the president, treasurer, secretary or any other officer or director of the Corporation. An officer may resign as officer without resigning from other positions in the Corporation, including the position of director.
DOC: RPA Elections-related Bylaws Excerpts 2023
Memorial Day weekend - Richmond Town Beach daytime vehicle access opens; no lifeguards.
Father's Day - Richmond Town Beach opens to the public, at least 11 am to 5 pm, daily. No lifeguards on duty.
July - Weed Mapping Survey to be performed in July. Please be hospitable to the surveyors around your property. This survey will allow for development of a Weed Management Plan of Action for Richmond Pond, which has been on hold due to Natural Heritage constraints for the past two summers. If aquatic herbicide treatment of invasive weeds occurs in the future, the pond would be closed for the one day of treatment, with no swimming, boating or fishing that day -- no herbicide treatment or weed harvesting is planned for the summer of 2024. Further details will be provided as they become available.
11/1 - Winter lake level draw-down begins - to be reduced 1" or 2" per day until drawn down by 2 feet. (Refill to occur in early spring, so pond is back to normal level by April 1st.)
NOTES: Dates of pond weed treatments and events held at Richmond Pond and open to the public will be added to this calendar as they are scheduled, and the RPA is notified.
Please let us know about scheduled pond activities that are open to the public, so we can consider posting them here. See details at bottom of the Links page for submission details.
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